Devpost for Teams
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The online platform for team-based care.
Alberta Government Expense & Event Information for Residents, Visitors & Other Interested Individuals
Environment Friendly, Social help for the needy
Make it Quiet
Instant whatsapp groups created by GPS or NFC
Free & For Sale
Digital people-watching through geolocation and thought sharing.
We provide you all things related to your favorite recipes with just one click at your doorstep
A location-based crowd-sourced content platform
A Database Service For Your Dumb Phone
Think it, Plannit!
Challenge your friends to take pictures! And get annoyed along the way...
Texas Hold'em AI
A crowd-sourced, cloud-based platform, sitme helps you find seats nearest to you.
Super user todolist
Automating the way you drive.
Closing the gap for aspiring investers
Find My Graduate: watch the keynotes or just the exact moment when your graduate receives his/her diploma.
A feedback app for the COSMIC Children's Hospital, designed to be engaging, fast, and inexpensive.