
We have a shared love for fitness and the desire to create a user-friendly tool to track workouts and promote physical wellness. We created SpartaTrack to empower ourselves and others to reach their goals and live healthy lifestyles.

What it does

SpartaTrack provides a simple platform to plan future workouts and check off completed workouts in real time. Users are able to customize their workout routines and goals while tracking their progress. The app also offers robust authentication and user profile management.

How we built it

We built SpartaTrack using React Native and Expo for the front end, which provides compatibility across Web, iOS, and Android. The backend is comprised of a Node.js and Express.js for developing RESTful API endpoints. We managed user authentication, data storage, and deployment using Firebase. We also integrated several third-party libraries to optimize the functionality and performance.

Challenges we ran into

Learning to create RESTful API endpoints and requests from scratch was a major growing pain. We also faced challenges implementing user authentication. We ran into various bugs that were time consuming to fix.

Accomplishments that we’re proud of

As a team of first-time hackathon competitors, we are very proud to have completed a full-stack application that met all of our core functionality goals. We collaborated to achieve our common goal of building a meaningful application. The result was an elegant, robust product that we are all pleased with.

What we learned

Developing SpartaTrack provided valuable experience for the whole team in mobile development, front-end design, and backend architecture. We learned to utilize a whole new tech stack without prior experience to create a successful app. In addition, we gained knowledge in implementation of NoSQL cloud databases and user authentication on a cloud platform.

What’s next for SpartaTrack

In the future, we plan to add more analytics and data visualization features to help our users better track their fitness progress. We also intend to add social media features to encourage community building and user engagement. SpartaTrack will be constantly improving based on user feedback.

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