
We wanted to have a bigger impact on providing financial opportunities and resources for women by finding groups that were most heavily impacted by the lack of financial resources. We found that by focusing on single mothers we could make a bigger impact on their lives.

What it does

  • Our project demo provides financial resources for planning milestones like homeownership, retirement, and college.
  • Users are prompted to take a financial quiz that evaluates their financial situation and suggests advice for what financial goals they could set.
  • One-on-one counseling is also provided to help these women effectively plan for their future.

How we built it

This project is built with Javascript, HTML, and CSS.

Challenges we ran into

  • Filming our video and getting a good take
  • Getting the quiz to provide the results that correspond to the answers given.
  • Challenges with setting up Github, and pushing and pulling.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • Delivering our completed demo
  • Project management and organization
  • Adapted to change through continuous improvement and feedback
  • Higher productivity with agile

What we learned

  • Webdev skills
  • Scrum methodology

What's next for SoloStride

  • Our future plans include creating a broad community and network for our users
  • Using AI to personalize our quiz and our results even further
  • Creating a large database of resources for single mothers and have search functionality
  • Have live financial assistants to provide assistance face-to-face
  • Improve accessibility by adding text-to-speech functionality and others

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