Introduction:- Welcome to SkinSprite, your reliable companion for skin health management. SkinSprite is a revolutionary application designed to empower users with tools to identify skin diseases, connect with expert dermatologists, order medications, and receive personalized health tips.

Features:- Skin Disease Identification: Utilize your device camera or gallery to capture images of skin conditions and receive accurate disease identification powered by machine learning. Doctor Recommendation: Seamlessly connect with specialized dermatologists recommended based on identified skin diseases. Medicine Ordering: Order prescribed medications from the comfort of your home with convenient in-app ordering. Navigation with Google Maps: Easily locate and navigate to the selected dermatologist's clinic using integrated Google Maps API. Secure User History: Safely store and manage user health records and history to ensure privacy and confidentiality. User Authentication: Secure access to personal health data with robust user authentication features. Medicine Reminders: Set reminders for medication intake to maintain treatment adherence. Daily Health Tips: Receive daily health tips tailored to your skin health needs for enhanced wellness and awareness. Disease Information: Access comprehensive information about various skin diseases to deepen understanding and awareness.

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