Many people can't afford to hire someone to do the tasks they don't have skills in, creating a barrier to entry for many basic necesseties.
What it does
Connect people in the same zip code with individuals with a skill set they need, who they can exchange skills with.
How we built it
We utilized a React.JS frontend, Python Backend using Flask, and the MongoDB database. We utilized Figma for UI Mock Ups and Word to create a backlog and assign tasks.
Challenges we ran into
Many members were learning React and MongoDB for the first time, so there was a learning curve. Connecting the calls between Python and React also proved to be a challenge. We got this part started but it needs some work.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
We made it! It is a cool project that has a lot of potential to continue and maybe go live.
What we learned
We learned a lot about new Frameworks, APIs, and project planning.
What's next for Skill-Swap
That is yet to be seen, but we may continue to work on it and make it live. You shall have to wait and find out :)
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