
We were inspired by the growth of the quantum industry in Northern Virginia, and wanted to do our part to help others get into the field, starting by teaching the fundamentals in an engaging way. Fun fact: Loudoun County received $735 million in fiscal year 2023 in tax revenue from data centers, which are an infrastructure key to the quantum computing industry.

What it does

Our game allows the user to explore the fundamental logic gates of quantum computing for themselves through experimentation and interactive game play. Each level represents a new gate, with its own challenge.

How we built it

We used Javascript to write the different game functions, HTML & CSS to format each level, and we drew our own graphics/backgrounds using Clip Studio.

Challenges we ran into

Coding this project was definitely the hardest part especially because there were many bugs with the transparency-to-solid and vice versa tool. Encoding the matrices that represented each level was also quite difficult and tedious.

Accomplishments we're proud of

We're especially proud of pulling together this entire game in a matter of less than 24 hours, and not giving up even when the bugs became increasingly elusive and tedious to fix. We're also quite proud of the graphics/overall theme of the game, as they provide

What we learned

We learned the importance of planning out a project beforehand to save yourself a lot of time and tears, and also helping each other learn new skills along the way.

What's next for Sherlock Gates

We plan on expanding the list of concepts that Sherlock Gates teaches, to also cover quantum entanglement and eventually the mathematics behind quantum computing as well (basic linear algebra topics).

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