The profound impact of social media on mental health resonated deeply with our team. We recognized that this impact is often overlooked, and we aimed to create something to raise awareness and provide resources and actionable plans for being mindful of social media's effects on well-being.
What it does
The Serene App leverages a user's Twitter/X account to analyze the emotions present in their Twitter feed, offering an overview of these emotions based on the user's tweets and timeline history.
How we built it
The Serene App is a full-stack web application, designed out of a Flask API (hosted using Heroku) that serves a prebuilt distribution folder containing our React UI. Users will be prompted on startup to authenticate with Twitter/X, and upon user authentication, the API retrieves user data from the X API, analyzes this data with the combination of a prebuilt sentiment analysis model as well as our TensorFlow model, and displays the results through visualizations on the official page.
Challenges we ran into
Our team encountered several challenges, including the complexity of implementing X authorization and retrieving data from users' accounts. Developing an efficient method for utilizing our sentiment analysis model to analyze user tweet data while maintaining accuracy was particularly challenging.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
We take pride in our team's ability to come together seamlessly on short notice, despite our diverse ethnic backgrounds and communities. This teamwork enabled us to create a nearly complete full-stack application.
What we learned
We learned the importance of not taking time for granted and maintaining efficiency to accomplish our tasks. For some team members, this type of development project was new, making it a valuable learning experience in establishing a pace that works best for everyone. For others, it was an opportunity to take a leadership role and gain experience in the management and architectural planning elements of software development.
What's next for Serene
The Serene Team has agreed that this project will continue to evolve. We believe it has the potential to be more than just a fun and competitive project; it can make a meaningful impact on an individual's mental health. We plan to develop further the project to provide practical assistance to those who need mental health awareness, even on the web. Keep a lookout for updates to our repo, as well as our website,
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