
Monday is the true Work OS where every process of a company could happen. With the COVID-19 a lot of offices were closed, and people forced to work from home. In some countries, companies are organizing the comeback of their employees in the office. But this has become a logistic nightmare for HR. I wanted to offer a tool to ease this process and let employees book in advance their spot in the office while enforcing social distances.

What it does

Using library, HR managers can design floor plans for each office. On each floor plan they will indicate the available seats and their characteristics (standing desk, desk with monitor, ...).

Once the floor plan is ready, HR manager could create a special event to let employees book their spot. An event could be a special day, a week or a month, depending on their needs.

Employees can then visualize on the floor plan where they want to seat, pick their spot and voilà 🎉

Managers have a global view of all the booking in the board where the app is installed

How I built it

Using React and Grommet for the UI. Using API for all the floor plan design, booking system, and social distance rules.

Challenges I ran into

Using Monday storage API Build a clear onboarding to point the user to the settings panel.

What I learned

Getting more familiar with React in general, discovering Grommet UI framework, and finally getting to try API.

What's next for SeatMap - reserve your seat in the office

This app could work beyond the COVID situation and could be used in office space with a lot of hot desks and visitors. Visitors could book their desks for the week they are in town.

Add a time constraint so people have to book before a certain date.

Add dates when you are booking to add to the timeline column.

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