Usually, for those student who do not have ipad, they need to take notes on the paper. Thus, we want to make a scanner software, which allow the student to take photo of their notes, and our software can scan the notes and convert them to a pdf.
What it does
Our software can let the users use the camera to take the pictures of their notes. Then, our software will catch the paper in the picture, and put the notes together into a pdf.
How we built it
We mainly use python language and some libraries such as openCV and numpy. We divide our project into 4 parts, 1. GUI, 2. camera, 3. Transformation, 4. Convert to pdf. We are in a group of four, each member work on one part of the project.
Challenges we ran into
We met several challenges, such as in the transformation part, we cannot successfully capture the edge of each note paper, this leads to some difficulty on removing the background noisy stuff. Further, there are some calculations that need linear algebra, thus, we need to read some websites that explain the perspective transformation.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
Me and three people have no any previous experience on openCV. But, we try to figure out how to use openCV to remove the background of the image in 6 hours, and then turn it into pdf. After all, we can merge multiple pdf into one single pdf. We are actually proud of this.
What we learned
We have learned how to use openCV library to capture a files and remove the background. We have learned how to use FPDF library to manipulate the multiple pdf into single pdf.
What's next for Scan2Merge
Right now, our GUI cannot open the pdf through the GUI directly. We need open the pdf file from folder directly.
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