
After a bit of research on health issues, we found that, according to a 2011 study, almost 40% of patients admit to forgetting to take their medication. This has a really negative impact on patients' health, and may lead to worsening conditions. These statistics shocked us and our team decided to take action.

What it does

Our mobile app scans the patient's prescription, then using artificial intelligence we take certain key words to fill in the data needed to create daily alerts that should remind the user to take which medicine and its respective dosage.

How we built it

When building the web application, we had intercompatibility in mind. Therefore, we chose to use a universal framework so our app would work on both Android and iOS devices (both of which we tested on). We also relied on an AI API for extracting text from the prescriptions, and used local storage for better security.

Challenges we ran into

We faced some technical challenges, such as learning to use new libraries so our project would would as we wanted it to, and some features that took longer to develop that we expected.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We're proud of the results that we achieved in so little time (the development as a whole took less that 24 hours), and of the effectiveness of the final result. It managed to successfully extract all the data from a prescription and create the reminders for all the medicine on it.

What we learned

In this challenge, we learned a lot about teamwork, about working under pressure, and a bit about mobile development using a universal framework. We also practised developing new concepts that aim at helping social issues.

What's next for Remind Med!

We would like to improve on our existing MVP, adding more sophisticated keyword recognition, working on top of a in-house model specially adapted for reading medical prescriptions. With a little bit of financing and support, we may be able to impact the lives of thousands of people.

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