What it does

The website was build to store recipes. It has as input the title of the recipe, the ingredients and the preparation of the plate. This is then viewed in the home page of the website in a grid display of 3 columns.

How we built it

For the building of this website were used the core technologies of web development, i.e., HTML, CSS and JavaScript. And for the server-side I used PHP to communicate with MySQL database. The technologies HTML and CSS were used for the structure and aesthetic of the website, and the JavaScript was used for some basic functionalities. With the help of XAMPP platform I created a database called 'recipe' in MySQL, to store all the recipes filled on the form provided in the website.

Challenges we ran into

The main challenge faced on this project was building the front-end, since my forte is backend. I find it difficult to use or manage the style sheet language (CSS).

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Even with the challenge I faced with CSS, I believe I did manage to put together a nice looking website, although is very simple and almost empty.

What's next for Recipe Repository

Future improvement for Recipe Repository, already on the plan is:

  1. Improve the aesthetic of the page.
  2. Allow to include picture in the storage.
  3. Finish the page to view the whole recipe.

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