
World's top 10 wealthiest tycoons who started from scratch.

What it does

Real Estate Tycoon predicts the price of a house by taking in 4 factors (size, floor, bedroom, age).

How we built it

We built it using gradient descent for multiple variable linear regression model.

Challenges we ran into

We were having trouble incorporating the multiple variables into the model, along with keeping track and updating the values.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud of this practical tool we've came out with, although it is far from the mature state, we see its potential to be able to predict more accurately and able to take more factors into account.

What we learned

We learned that AI models are extremely helpful in some complex tasks. Take the linear regression model as an example, a proper iteration and learning rate variable have to be chosen to improve the performance and accuracy of the model.

What's next for Real Estate Tycoon

We will find ways to take into account of more uncertainties out there that might have the potential to impact the house price, such as the location of the house or the recent events.

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