We wanted to create a fun and easy way for students to sell items on campus.
What it does
Pusheen Sell allows users to browse items currently for sale and sell items of their own. Not only is the app quick and easy to use, but it also gives more information about the items on sale through short videos.
How we built it
The app is built using Xcode 8 and Swift 3, and the backend is handled via Firebase.
Challenges we ran into
We started out with a much more ambitious project than we could complete in 24 hours, so we had to make some hard decisions and cut features in order to make a working app.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
We're happy that we were able to get the video processing working.
What we learned
Proper git management is important, even with a small team in the same place.
What's next for Pusheen Sell
We would like to add a few more features that we couldn't complete in 24 hours, and eventually get the app in hands of students to start user testing. Eventually, this would be a great app to be used on campuses across the world!
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