Pravahini is an innovative AI platform that serves as a comprehensive marketplace for datasets, pre-trained machine learning models, and decentralized computation capabilities. Our goal is to establish a vibrant ecosystem where data providers, model developers, and users can collaborate, share resources, and drive groundbreaking advancements in artificial intelligence. Pravahini leverages blockchain technology, specifically the TRON network, to ensure secure transactions, transparent revenue sharing, and efficient decentralized computation.


At Pravahini, we are driven by a profound passion for fostering innovation and collaboration within the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence. Our inspiration stems from the immense potential AI holds in transforming various domains, from healthcare and finance to education and beyond. However, we recognized the significant challenge of fragmentation within the AI ecosystem, where data providers, model developers, and users often operate in silos, hindering the seamless flow of knowledge and resources.

Inspired by the vision of a connected and vibrant AI community, we set out to create a platform that would bridge these gaps and catalyze collective progress. Pravahini is our endeavour to establish a dynamic marketplace where datasets, pre-trained models, and decentralized computation capabilities converge, empowering individuals and organizations to unlock the true potential of AI.

Problem & Solution

The AI landscape is currently fragmented, with datasets, pre-trained models, coding capabilities, and computation resources scattered across disparate platforms. This fragmentation hinders efficient collaboration, resource utilization, and ultimately, the pace of innovation within the AI community.

Pravahini addresses this challenge by offering a comprehensive, unified platform that seamlessly integrates an AI marketplace, coding capabilities, and decentralized computation. Our solution encompasses -

AI Marketplace: Explore datasets and pre-trained models for various AI applications.

Decentralized Computation: Harness distributed systems for efficient machine learning tasks.

User Experience Enhancements: Data visualization, commenting, computation notifications, and plagiarism checking.

How we built it

Throughout the development of Pravahini, we adopted the principles of continuous learning and adaptation. We actively sought feedback from the community, conducted surveys and research in Schools and Colleges, and collaborated with experts in the field, constantly refining our understanding and expanding our skill set.

Pravahini is built on a robust and scalable technology stack that seamlessly integrates various components to deliver a comprehensive AI platform. Our development approach followed industry best practices, emphasizing modularity, scalability, and security.

The development of Pravahini involved a robust tech stack, leveraging JavaScript and Solidity as the primary programming languages. The frontend was built using the React.js library and styled with the Bootstrap framework, ensuring a visually appealing and responsive user interface. Solidity was employed for writing Ethereum-compatible smart contracts, which were then deployed on the BitTorrent Chain mainnet, leveraging its secure and decentralized blockchain network.

To facilitate seamless wallet integration, we utilized the RainbowKit toolkit, enabling users to connect their digital wallets seamlessly. This carefully curated tech stack allowed us to create a comprehensive platform, combining the power of blockchain technology with modern web development practices, providing a secure and user-friendly experience for our AI marketplace and decentralized computation capabilities.

Challenges we ran into

Developing a comprehensive platform like Pravahini has been an enriching and challenging journey. Throughout the process, we encountered various obstacles that tested our resilience and problem-solving abilities. However, these challenges also served as valuable learning opportunities, shaping our growth and strengthening our commitment to delivering an exceptional user experience.

One of the key challenges we faced was integrating diverse technologies and frameworks into a cohesive and seamless platform. Ensuring compatibility and efficient communication between the AI marketplace, decentralized computation, and blockchain components required meticulous planning and execution. We learned the importance of modular design, thorough testing, and embracing best practices in software engineering.

Benefits for TRON and its Ecosystem

Pravahini's integration with the TRON ecosystem offers numerous benefits, including a secure and transparent marketplace for buying/selling datasets and pre-trained ML models through blockchain technology. By leveraging the Bacalhau Protocol, it optimizes decentralized computation for machine learning tasks, harnessing distributed systems. The Lighthouse Protocol enforces granular access control, protecting sensitive data. Smart contracts facilitate transparent revenue sharing, creating a fair ecosystem that incentivizes quality contributions.

Additionally, Pravahini fosters collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and innovation by bringing together data providers, model developers, and users on a unified platform, driving AI and data-driven applications advancements. Through its commitment to innovation and blockchain technology, Pravahini aims to be a catalyst for growth within the TRON ecosystem, attracting talent, fostering partnerships, and propelling cutting-edge AI solutions.

What's next for Pravahini (प्रवाहिनी)

As we have completed our last milestone, we're gearing up for the next phase of Pravahini's journey. Our focus is on expanding data offerings, enhancing platform features, fostering community engagement, exploring integration and partnerships, and continuing our commitment to innovation.

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