
PPCA was inspired by the need for accessible, personalized prenatal and postnatal care solutions. Many mothers struggle to find accurate information tailored to their unique health conditions and stages of pregnancy or child development. We wanted to create a user-friendly tool that provides expert guidance and support at their fingertips.

What it does

PPCA is a Streamlit app that leverages Snowflake Generative AI to offer customized care recommendations for mothers in prenatal and postnatal stages. By inputting the type of care (prenatal or postnatal), duration of pregnancy or child's age, and specific health conditions, users receive personalized advice to help them navigate their unique journey.

Step 1: Access the App

Open your web browser and navigate to the PPCA Streamlit app hosted on Streamlit Cloud.

Step 2: Locate the Input Form

Once the app loads, you'll see the input form on the main page. This form is designed to gather essential information about your current care needs.

Step 3: Select the Type of Care

  • Look for the dropdown menu labeled "Type."
  • Click on the dropdown and select either "Prenatal" for pregnancy-related care or "Postnatal" for care after childbirth.

Step 4: Enter Time Information

  • If you selected "Prenatal," you will need to enter the duration of your pregnancy. Fill in the number of weeks or months you have been pregnant.
  • If you selected "Postnatal," you will need to enter the age of your child. Fill in the number of weeks, months, or years since your child's birth.

Step 5: Describe Health Conditions

  • Locate the text box labeled "Health Condition."
  • For prenatal care, describe any specific health conditions or concerns you are experiencing during your pregnancy.
  • For postnatal care, describe any specific health conditions or concerns related to your child's health.

Step 6: Submit the Form

  • Review the information you've entered to ensure it is accurate.
  • Click the "Submit" button to send your data to Snowflake Generative AI for analysis.

Step 7: Receive Personalized Recommendations

  • After submitting the form, wait a few moments for the AI to process your information.
  • Personalized care recommendations based on your inputs will be displayed on your screen. These insights will help guide you through your prenatal or postnatal journey.

Step 8: Save or Record Recommendations

  • You may choose to save the recommendations by taking a screenshot or noting them down.
  • For future reference or consultations with healthcare professionals, having a record of these recommendations can be very beneficial.

How we built it

We built PPCA using Streamlit, connecting it with Snowflake to handle the AI-driven queries. The app's frontend interface allows users to easily input their information, which is then processed by Snowflake's generative AI to generate personalized care recommendations. The code is hosted on a public GitHub repository, while the app runs on Streamlit Cloud for easy access.

Challenges we ran into

One of the main challenges was integrating Snowflake Generative AI seamlessly with Streamlit. Ensuring data privacy and security for sensitive health information was also a top priority and required meticulous attention. Additionally, creating a user-friendly interface that mothers of varying tech proficiency could easily navigate was another hurdle.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud to have created a tool that can positively impact the lives of mothers by providing them with personalized, accessible care advice. Successfully integrating Snowflake Generative AI with Streamlit and ensuring data security were significant technical achievements. Seeing the positive feedback from initial users has been incredibly rewarding.

What we learned

Through this project, we learned a great deal about the powerful capabilities of Snowflake Generative AI, Streamlit and how to effectively integrate it with a user-friendly frontend. We also gained insights into the unique challenges and needs of prenatal and postnatal care, which helped us fine-tune our recommendations.

What's next for PPCA - Prenatal and Postnatal Care Assistant

The next steps for PPCA include expanding our database of health conditions and care recommendations to offer even more comprehensive support. We plan to incorporate multilingual support to reach a broader audience and add new features like real-time chat support with healthcare professionals. Continuous feedback from users will guide our future developments to make PPCA an indispensable tool for mothers everywhere.

Team Bio

Teresiah Kinyanjui: Project Management and Research

Teresiah Kinyanjui brings a wealth of experience in project management and research to the PPCA team. With a strong background in healthcare and technology, Teresiah played a crucial role in guiding the project's direction and ensuring that the app meets the specific needs of mothers seeking prenatal and postnatal care. Her meticulous research and coordination skills ensured that the project stayed on track and aligned with the latest industry standards. Teresiah's unwavering commitment to improving maternal and child health has been a driving force behind PPCA's success. Photo Link

Allan Mukhwana: Coding and Infrastructure

Allan Mukhwana is the technical mastermind behind PPCA. With extensive expertise in coding and infrastructure, Allan built the robust foundation of the app, integrating Streamlit with Snowflake Generative AI to deliver seamless, user-friendly experiences. His ability to tackle complex technical challenges and ensure data security and privacy has been instrumental in bringing PPCA to life. Allan's dedication to leveraging technology for meaningful impact shines through in every aspect of the app, making it a reliable tool for mothers worldwide. Photo Link

Built With

  • ai
  • arctic
  • python
  • snowflakes
  • streamlit
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