
As college students, we struggle everyday to plan our dietary needs and end up eating unhealthy food by ordering from outside. We spend a lot of time choosing what to cook.

What it does

The website asks students to fill a short survey in which they need to check boxes by the hour for every day of the week indicating whether they are busy or not. Once this has been done, the website calculates time slots in which they can cook some presuggested recipes and also provide information about nearest available grocery stores

How we built it

We used python modules like pandas, numpy & requests along with some built in google api and flask application to build a dashboard interface.

Challenges we ran into

Finding datasets for grocery store locations.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Creating an interactive map, the frontend interface, and intergration of google apis.

What we learned

Front end, intergrating apis & overall team collaboration techniques.

What's next for Plan To Plate

Offering dietary needs, improving the data set for grocery stores, & creating a better interface.

Not posting any links because of personal api keys.

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