
Google Maps is on its own pretty slow; getting information goes through a long process through Google Map Maker, which then goes through a Google review process. Users are unable to access real-time, reliable information about various public spaces. What if a tourist attraction is closed off due to renovations? Or there is a great sale at your favorite shop?

What It Does

Places Now hopes to solve this problem by crowdsourcing information about individual locations at specific times.

How We Built It

We built it using Android Studio, the Google Maps API, and Firebase.

Challenges We Ran Into

We ran into our greatest challenges near the end when it became exceedingly difficult to retrieve data from Firebase, a program none of us had vast/any experience in prior to this Hackathon. We also had to overcome obstacles concerning division of labor and maximizing productivity.

Accomplishments That We're Proud Of

We are proud of how far we have come in this short time period. Though we experienced some setbacks, we are proud to have been able to produce an application that is visually appealing, clear in its intentions, easy-to-use, and beneficial for all. We are particularly pleased with the variety-of-use that our application affords.

What We Learned

We learned a lot about budgeting time and greatly expanded upon our knowledge of these various platforms. This was also a first Hackathon for many of us!

What's Next For Places Now

Theoretically, Places Now would only expand further and have a greater outreach because of the nature of crowdsourcing and the usefulness of our design concept.

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