
Hey there folks, we're an open source builder's community that makes cool demos and apps in ai/ml . So we are naturally an azure organisation, which already hosts our SCM and JupyterLabs , office365 , and recently, cosmosdb deployments. So we discovered and registered as a team here, now i'm doing the individual challenge to support our team effort in phase 2.

What it does

This is just the outcome of the step by step tutorial ran on the common jupyterlabs i'm hosting on azure .

How we built it

I followed the step-by-step developper guide exactly to produce the outcome using the VSCode extension for connecting to a remote jupyterlabs instance.

Challenges we ran into

It was quite confusing comming to the hackathon after having met online to start with "individual projects" instead of our common project, however it also assures a common technical baseline and minimal experience with azure to all the folks in our team that otherwise may have tried to skirt learning about our builder's cloud on azure.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

One of our team members is from Ethiopia and others are from less developped countries sometimes with no banking support, so deploying a common jupyterlab is great because now more of our team members have access to required & industry standard (common) development tools.

What we learned

The smallest steps such as those above help our community professionalize and basically go towards a test-driven open source software development organisation. Our vision is humble but also quite technical and getting access to these common building blocks helps our team members on this journe.

What's next for Phase 1 : CosmoTonic

Personally, i learned a bit more about how to deploy application on azure cloud using the gui and software like notebooks. in the future it's not unlikely that CosmoTonic should use the cli commands programmatically and inside the notebooks to remove the time cost for the deployer.

As someone that deploys knowledge retrieval apps to the cloud regularly for internal use , shaving off precious configuration time is extremely helpful.

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