
The DreamBerd spec can be found here - this will explain a lot... and also very little.

How we built it

(Badly.) Language included: Scala, Perl, Go, JavaScript, Rust, Dockerfile.

The main components are:

  • Entry bash script (could be replaced with a cloud entrypoint)
  • REPL (Go)
  • LLM type-checking (JS)
  • Parser (Perl)
  • Eval (Scala)
  • Const-const-const server (Rust)

Challenges we ran into

Unfamiliarity with the languages we were using, the language we were interpreting, and the deliberately ridiculous system architecture made this even more challenging than we thought.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We did manage to achieve some cool stuff - with some of the components working properly :) Some of our team also made it to Big Cheese, and got back to work upon their return.

What we learned

We all learned new programming languages (which we all enjoyed doing)!

What's next for Perfect DreamBerd Interpreter

Make it work, and full DreamBerd spec-compliance. Would be nice to get a proper Kubernetes deployment (incl. load balancing) going once each component has been successfully Docker-ised - we got close but not quite there!

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