
We were inspired to build something fun and exciting, because we all love pets and 3/4 of our members are new to hackathons.

What it does

Alows you to login with a working authentication system and perform the following actions:

  1. Add a pet
  2. Rename a pet
  3. Remove a pet
  4. Feed a pet
  5. Play with a pet

How we built it

We used Pocketbase (an open source backend) and React.

Challenges we ran into

It was our first time using Pocketbase, so we had to read through the API docs and learn how to use it. Additionally, we ran into issues where we were setting data incorrectly so we had to learn about how to more effectively update data on the backend and frontend.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are really happy that it's working and that we have images coming through from our backend too!

What we learned

We learned a lot about React fundamentals and how to better use JavaScript APIs.

What's next for Pawgrammers

We want to continue building Pawgrammers with our group, it was a tremendous learning experience for all of us! :)

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