Building a Simple Password hashing with MERN Stack
As a developer, I've always been fascinated by the security aspect of web applications, particularly user authentication. I wanted to deepen my understanding of how authentication works and challenge myself to build a robust authentication system from scratch. This project provided the perfect opportunity to explore authentication mechanisms using the MERN stack.
What I Learned
Throughout this project, I gained valuable insights into several key concepts:
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens): I learned how to implement JWT-based authentication to securely manage user sessions and protect routes.
- Bcrypt: I explored the importance of securely hashing passwords using bcrypt to prevent unauthorized access to user accounts.
- MERN Stack: I reinforced my knowledge of building full-stack web applications using MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js.
Building the Project
- Node.js and Express.js: I set up the backend server using Node.js and Express.js to handle API requests and routing.
- MongoDB: I used MongoDB as the database to store user information securely.
- JWT and Bcrypt: I integrated JWT for token-based authentication and bcrypt for hashing user passwords.
- Nodemailer: To send verification emails and password reset requests, I utilized Nodemailer for email functionality.
- React.js: I built the frontend user interface using React.js to create a seamless user experience.
- Form Handling: I implemented form handling to capture user input for login and registration.
Challenges Faced
- Understanding JWT and Bcrypt: Initially, I faced challenges grasping the concepts of JWT and bcrypt, but thorough research and experimentation helped me overcome these hurdles.
Building this simple authentication system was an enriching experience that allowed me to deepen my understanding of authentication mechanisms and the MERN stack. Through overcoming challenges and experimenting with different technologies, I gained valuable insights and enhanced my skills as a full-stack developer.
Built With
- express.js
- mogodb
- node.js
- react.js
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