
We gained inspiration from the many times we used AI for studying. It helped us a lot with practice and asking questions. However, its one downside is that it is not the most user-friendly for studying. That is why we decided to create a website that is meant to be exclusively for studying.

What it does

It allows students to have their accounts to have a personalized study session with an AI teacher. The student will have the option to choose a specific teacher who specializes in a subject. You can study with the teacher by chatting and asking questions. Once you have studied enough you will unlock the option to test yourself on the gained knowledge from studying to further reinforce what you have learned.

How we built it

We took a large amount of time to come up with ideas for the very broad challenge. We threw ideas at each other hoping for one of them to stick and that ended up being the study of ai. Once we got our idea we got straight to vs code and planned out the gradual progression we needed to pull this site off in 24 hours. We took small steps only taking the smallest part of a big problem to hack away at the challenges. We began with Vite and live share but soon realized that that would be very hard to pull off since Vite is typically used for all-in-one websites and Live Share is not very scalable. So that is why we switched over to next.js and GitHub which is much more manageable. The rest of the time was just step after step of tackling set challenges to overcome. In the end, we got very very close to our goal but were a little short.

Challenges we ran into

We ran into issues with Vite and live share, since, as mentioned previously, they aren't very scalable for multiple pages and users. Another issue mentioned by one of my members was the hard ground and sleep depravity. I agree a hundred percent. Personally, for me it would have to be getting the AI to interact with the user properly with context to their conversation and also the ability to save the interactions to specific users. Also, the amount of relearning I had to do on the spot was crazy. Half of the programs used in this assignment were either new or returning skills/tools. very rough.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

I would say that we were proud of the fact that we were able to get the whole system working. With zero knowledge of how to implement ai, it was intimidating, to say the least. Also, the fact that we got our idea to work. It felt amazing to be able to have an idea come to life even better since it was for a 24-hour hackathon.

What we learned

We learned how to implement AI into web applications and manipulate the interactions to make the website usable for users. We relearned vite, next, and js, all of these languages we had not used in 6+ months. We learned how to use Clerk for our login pages which was extremely helpful and a little bit of a pain.

What's next for OmniBox

What we would have implemented if we had the time would have been the full functionality of the test mechanic. We had a lot of ideas for what to do such as scoreboards and saving quizzes to retake questions that were hard for the user. Though we did get a lot of what we set out to do done so it was a win. Though I wish we could implement everything. We hope to be able to participate in future hackathons (though not anytime soon we need SLEEP). Also, we hope to be able to use this newly gained knowledge to make some really interesting websites. Maybe we will complete this website I don't know. Anyways bye bye!

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