
My inspiration to take up this project is that as things are slightly shifting from online to offline , it's difficult for the supermarkets to collect data which inturn to focus on individual customers .

What it does

Data can collected by the implementation of iot , big data , etc. We can sense the customers age group as in what that age group is interested in purchasing likewise it'll be easy for product developers in developing or improvising their products also we can make smart shelves , using smart shopping carts and many more

How we built it

Yet to be built . On the go

Challenges we ran into

Challenges were idea of implementation as this is my first participation in the hackathon. I'll improvise further on the samiote

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Proud of detecting and analysising the transitions and demands in the retail industry

What we learned

I have learnt that it's not an easy task for retailers to scape data of the individuals hence as of now there is no efficient and existing system . This has to be addressed .

What's next for offline data collection in supermarkets

Doing slight alterations in the supermarkets also by making logins mandatory for the customers or QR code entries

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