
We were inspired by the mobile game King of Thieves.

What it does

Oblivion is a platformer where the player has to work their way through dungeons, obstacles and spirits to escape.

How we built it

We designed all our sprites and assets ourselves; we ran the game using Java swing. The game is simplistic yet challenging and follows the formula of games like Flappy Bird and Crossy Road, which are simple yet engaging.

Challenges we ran into

Their wasn't enough time to add everything that we wanted to our game.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud of custom sprites and assets as well as the general feel of the game.

What we learned

We learned how to effectively collaborate and work as team when developing games. We also learned how to deal with problems that naturally come up when working as team in a programming environment, such as making good comments on our code and coordinating our team.

What's next for Oblivion: we may polish it further and release in the app store as a unique, standalone game.

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