
Women are an invaluable part of the tech industry but only account for 25% of workers in the industry. We wanted to create an app that would encourage women into technology by helping them connect with women who were already in the field.

Personal Story

It took a while for me to find my passion in Computer Science because I did not have any mentor to guide me through my interests. I was intimidated by the field and had an impression that it was mostly for men. This experience inspired me to create this app to connect women in Tech and inspire and welcome young girls into this field.

What it does

Objective-She allows users to create a profile and post information about themselves. They are then shown potential mentors/mentees and if they think they would be a good match with that person they swipe to the right to signify their interest. If a mentor/mentee match, they are then able to talk to each other and talk about their experiences in Tech. We wanted to make it as simple as possible for women to mentor and find mentors, so we created and iPhone app that has a very simple interface to look at mentors or mentees profile and connect with them instantaneously.

How we built it

This app is written in Swift using Xcode. We utilized Koloda framework to simplify the implementation of swiping cards motion along with Parse for back-end.

We used Sketch and InVision to create the mockups.

Challenges we ran into

We ran into trouble creating a backend database for the project, simply because we ran out of time to implement it. Because we were all working on the same files, we found ourselves facing a lot of merge conflicts.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Creating an app from scratch and for a lot of us, this is our first hackathon!

What we learned

12 hours of hacking is not as much time as it sounds.

What's next for Objective-She

We hope to continue to develop this application to make it available for all women and expand it for different type of fields.

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