Many older people take multiple medications which they and their loved ones struggle to manage

My check-in records and stores all their medications. On checking in they can see full details of their medications which they can update if needed. The check-in process asks them how they are feeling and to confirm whether they have taken all their medications. By tapping a button or saying "print report" the information is emailed.

They also have the option to see a health tip which changes all the time by saying "health tip" or tapping an icon button.

We used Alexa, Lambda (Node JS), S3, Eventbridge and Dynamodb.

Many challenges, especially with the report and emailing it on request.

We believe there is a strong place in the market for this skill and have a lot more features planned for further versions.

We re-learned that it takes three times longer than we planned

We intend adding many more features to the skill

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