What's better than reminiscing on the good times by guessing songs by your favorite singers. I thought that this would be a great way of engaging more senior Alexa users and making interactions with Alexa fun and acessible.
What it does
This skill plays 30 seconds extracts from 80s songs How many of them can you guess ? Say Start blind test to start the game then as soon as you found the song, say Alexa pause then say It is ...... If you are right, you get one point and the second extract starts, otherwise you have to hurry up to find the name before the extract ends!
How we built it
The skill is build with Amazon Skill Development kit and is hosted on AWS lambda with Alexa. The code is written with Python and the songs are fetched and played with the help of Spotify API.
Challenges we ran into, What we learned
It was the first Alexa music skill that I worked on and there was a lot to learn. It was not easy to have smooth interactions before and after playing music snippets.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
I'm proud of having the skill live on the Alexa store it feels great to have my work available to the public. I hope my grandmother also finds the skill fun when I show it to her!
What's next for Musical Blind Test
The next update of Musical Blind Test will feature a decade selection menu and play songs from your selected years! But for now keep jamming out to the 80s :)
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