
There are a lot of movies with different characters - male, female, animal and children as the performers and actors in lead roles. They act in different genres - Drama, Fantasy, Fiction, Action with different ratings - P G, P G 13, R , NC - 17. Knowing the right movie is a fun way to spend a weekend or weekday evenings/night with family and/or friends.

What it does

'Movie Suggest' Alexa app attempts to suggest a movie to the user when they select one or more options from the Character, Genre/Category and Rating.

Building it

The Alexa app is built using Google's Gemin-1.0-pro model using Vertex AI. The app is made for Alexa voice, with some validation, help feature, and an Interaction model design. The app uses AWS Lambda for Google Vertex AI validation, retrieving the generated content with movie suggestions and a short summary.


Challenges were many from designing the right interaction model, the right prompts, in build user slots for characters or actors, movie genres and rating, design a model for retrieving valid suggestions., to making sure the suggestions are properly formatted. It is still a work in progress.

What's next for Movie Suggest

The app can be improved to include more categories , locale distribution, and expanding it to wider genres, expand the movie suggestion to be more verbose, format way better for APL integration.

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