
As a movie enthusiast, I constantly grappled with the challenge of remembering which films I had already seen and which ones I wanted to watch next. The endless scrolling through streaming services often left me feeling overwhelmed. To address this, I conceived the idea for "this project": a personalized movie vault—a curated space to manage my cinematic journey.


This database serves as a tool to track both watched movies and those on my watchlist.

Development Process

We followed these steps to build the project:

  1. Conceptual Modeling: Building the Big Picture

    • I translated the conceptual model into a database schema using Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler.
  2. Logical Modeling: Refining the Design

    • Further refining the design, I ensured that the logical model aligned with our vision.
  3. Physical Modeling: Optimizing for Performance

    • With performance in mind, I proceeded to create the physical model.
  4. Generating DDL from Physical Model

    • Finally, I converted the physical model into Data Definition Language (DDL) statements to create the necessary tables in the database.

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