Delozier inspired us. He encouraged us to use the non-CS major students in our team to our advantage. We have a psychology major and an education major on our team, and wanted to utilize their skills. We decided to research the motivation behind answering math questions.
What it does
This takes students through one of nine random math tests, based on different reinforcement and punishment types. With enough research and a large enough sample size, it can show us how the different types of reinforcement/punishment and intrinsic/extrinsic stimuli motivate students. This can be used in the future to see what works best for students to help their confidence and motivation.
How we built it
We built this using React as a frontend, along with firebase to store our data.
Challenges we ran into
Setting it up, the different reinforcement and punishment conditions (positive/negative and intrinsic/extrinsic), coming up with an idea. Github presented a big challenge since, while we were good at dividing work, we weren't good at dividing it cleanly; a lot of time was spent resolving errors borne of using Github wrong.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
Pushing through pathing problems, figuring out the niche conditions, research put into early childhood teaching, bug squashing, and workload distribution. We all worked in unfamiliar areas, and while it made progress slow, it was very rewarding.
What we learned
How to use react, firebase, basics of app development with flutter (scrapped idea), psychology. terminology and github branches.
What's next for Motivation Study
To continue gathering participants to research our hypothesis.
Built With
- adobe-illustrator
- firebase
- html
- react
- react-bootstrap
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