is dedicated to Caregivers--Think adult children (local or remote) taking care of Aging parents.
One core component of services is Health Trackers--monitoring and managing routine attributes of ones health spanning Weight, Pain, Medication Management, Journal how one feels, Blood Pressure, and more.
Many times, when Aging Parents require tracking of their health, their kitchen tables are piled with loose notes and spiral bound note books to document what captures electronically. So what? Well, it's hard to share what is sitting on the kitchen table with your adult siblings or with the physician during the next visit. With you CAN!
Although supports the transition from paper to web, the user experience could be more efficient and effective using voice; particularly, with recording Blood Pressure multiple times a day.
Enter our Alexa Skill: "Sagacity"
We built an Alexa Skill ("Sagacity") to record Blood Pressure readings and integrate into had to start somewhere and envision ALL our Health Trackers to be Alexa enabled. Beta testing the Sagacity Skill with Caregivers was a huge success! Caregivers LOVED interacting with Alexa and found it easier to record a Blood Pressure reading via Voice than via Web/Mobile. One surprise to us was hearing over and over is the ability to multitask--e.g., continue taking care of Mom or Dad while interacting with Alexa.
Can't wait to attain certification and expand our Skill.
Built With
- alexa
- amazon-web-services
- convoworks
- wordpress
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