
Themed under education tech


One of the most important inspiration of the project were the problems that I and people of my age face, choosing a career option, what education to pursue, what pays more and what is more fun? The data online was limited, getting to know exact salaries, reality of jobs was hard, especially discovering new jobs. This gave birth to Money Pipes, the platform to discover job and find something that you like to do and pays well at your region, at the time.

What it does

Money Pipes is a website that allows user to browse jobs and upload data about their job category ,salary and fun aspects. It also allows users to ask questions ,comment and even advice people of their job.

How we built it

The web app uses python-flask in backend with a MySQL database. While the frontend is made of html ,css and js. And the design is responsive too.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Detecting user location: It took us sometime as we gained knowledge along the way on how to detect a users country so we can show him relevant job according to his region.

  2. Security: Managing sessions, keeping users data safe and preventing user's from unauthorized access to some pages, was a bit tricky but we came up with a solution of "login check" as it is named by us that helped us a lot to maintain the app's security.

3.Like/Dislike/Comment: The like/dislike system took a good amount of time to write and we also faced problems of Realtime updates on screen as a user liked or disliked a pipe (post) and the comment system was very complicated as we had to mange replies, post data, content ,username, etc. but at the end we came up with a good solution.

What we learned

An important thing we learned was as previously mentioned "Detecting user location" which was not as easy as it sound with flask, we had to use an external api service called The important thing was more about the design part how to make the website look simple but at the same time pretty and easy to navigate. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING WE LEARNED was that we can reload a div separately having no need to reload the entire page with jQuery, we implemented this feature so that user can see in Realtime his comment being published and updated.

What's next for Money Pipes

Next we will work on enhancing user experience a bit more (Google login, editing comments, etc.) , introduce more job categories, make a reporting and post clearing system that detects nsfw content. And Importantly bring on an AI system that will make job suggestion way more better training it from the user's like/dislike or the pipes the user clicks on .

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