I did all the art work for this app myself. I use Adobe illustrator! Vectors!

my mobile CRM

This is my mobile crm for this hackathon. I'm mainly doing this for me so I can prove what I know. Admittedly I want to add to my database of projects to show potential employers and to learn more about mobile crm. Please feel free to check out my github link to see the project and run it. I will edit whenever I update! 😇😇😇

What it does

This is a mobile CRM (customer relationship management) for home reno contractors. CRMs are usually B2B software solutions. This solution is meant to aid the contractors with their daily tasks and interactions with clients while on the go. Things like customer data, contact and billing.

This project enforces login from the start of the app, as the "customers" are the workers/contractors and thus click away isn't a real issue. The issue of "click away" is complex in nature and usually occurs with end consumer based products. However that discussion is beyond the scope for this project.

This is just module 1 of the project just showing data retrival from firebase backend.

How I built it

This is a mobile phone app built using dart/flutter, firebase for logins and storage and payments with stripe will be added later.

Challenges I ran into

Handling login logic with firebase database - session is not unique. 
Also am having difficulty using latest version of url_launcher to launch phone calls/text.

What's next for mobile crm

I think better payment solutions including perhaps ada cardano. Maybe voice inputs into database and scan credit card too.

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