## Inspiration We were inspired by the feelings or emotions food provides and incorporating it with the significant cultural value it holds. For those who might want to recreate their hometown foods but live in a foreign area and have only ingredients of their current location, Mix it Up! can provide similar food items at home with the given ingredients. For those who want to explore other parts of the world through cuisine, Mix it Up! may be a connection factor for one to further get to know or find interest in a foreign cuisine. Or simply, Mix it Up! can be a unique and fun recipe generator that helps eliminate housing overdue food items in your pantry.

## What it does Our web matches users with a foreign cuisine recipe based on their ingredients they input and the foreign location they input in order to connect them with that cuisine no matter where they are in the world. This encourages users to mix their food choices up!

## How we built it After a collaborative brainstorming process on executing the idea and establishing structure, the frontend was built using HTML and CSS, while the backend is built with Ruby and OpenAI’s GPT3 api. The whole application is powered by Ruby on Rails which makes it easier to manage views, data flow, and stylesheets. We extensively used Git to work collaboratively, defined tasks amongst each other, and used the Git repository as up to 30+ commits from all users.

## Challenges we ran into Some challenges we faced were connecting the Open Ai prompt service on Ruby back into the html file as well as integrating front and back end after merging rails with different ancestors.

## Accomplishments that we're proud of While we were fortunately able to have many small and large accomplishments, we are especially proud of the integration of GPT3 api with Ruby and our work in fine tuning prompts to produce the appropriate results. There was a lot of challenge especially because most of our teammates were unfamiliar with Ruby, so accomplishing this was especially a proud moment for all of us.

## What we learned During the process we learned to collaborate with team members of varying skills, and for some of us, this was our first hackathon process! Some of us also learned a new language(Ruby) and we were also able to learn how to manipulate JSON responses from OpenAi. All of us learned to enjoy the process of debugging and creating after ideation.

## What's next for Mix it Up! For the next steps we hope Mix it Up! will take, we hope to incorporate an interactive map that showcases different cuisine areas as well as build a feature allowing users to store recipes they want to reuse. In addition, editing the web to produce more precise prompts after receiving user feedback, adding photo details along with recipes, and utilizing the camera feature to scan pantry items instead of finding them can all be extensional features we hope to add.

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