
We were inspired by the inefficiencies in workplace meetings—rambling discussions, lack of structure, and unclear outcomes. MindToBoard aims to address these issues.

What it does

MindToBoard combines XR Kanban and AI summarization. In 15 mins, it transforms spoken words into actionable bullet points, facilitating real-time 3D collaboration on physical products and improving decision-making.

How we built it

Built using Unity, Meta Quest Presence platform, Bezi, and Snapdragon Spaces. Faced challenges but learned valuable skills in Meta Quest platform, OpenAI integration, and more.


Successfully utilized Meta Quest, OpenAI, Bezi, and Snapdragon Spaces within a short timeframe.

What we learned

Mastered skills in Meta Quest platform, OpenAI integration, Bezi, and Snapdragon Spaces.

What's next for MindToBoard

Seeking user feedback and exploring potential applications for further development.

Built With

  • bezi
  • c#
  • maya
  • meta-presence-platform
  • openai
  • snapdragon-spaces
  • unity
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