
We noticed that there weren't any AI therapists on the market right now. Most of them can't connect with people on a deeper level, and most of them aren't trained to empathize with humans. In the making of this project, we sought to create a novel solution to this new problem and bring happiness to people without money for a therapist.

What it does

The app is meant to take an input given by the user, and using the OpenAI API, it is supposed to give an output back to the user. By having a imessage type of UI, we can simulate what it might be like talking to a friend, allowing the AI to have deeper conversations.

How we built it

We used Vercel, and app building platform, combined with next.js, typescript, javascript, css and the Open AI API.

Challenges we ran into

The API keys did not work, and are also required to be payed for.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud that we coded an entire functional project, apart from the AI key missing as it costs money. The coding of the HTML layout of the website and the other AI related code was very difficult to code, but we made it to the point where only a paywall stops the project from working. We are glad that, although it doesn't necessarily work, we coded this much of an app dealing with a complicated and still novel subject.

What we learned

We learned valuable skills of not only coding AI, but doing the steps necessary outside of the AI like finding databases for our chatbot. We also learned that even if the ending product didn't work out as intended, we should take pride in all of the complicated code it took to get to this point.

What's next for MindMate

Buying the AI keys will allow it to function, and we hope to take it further, create our own website that isn't local, and host the device for free.

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