
I'm returning to work after prolonged disability. I have a recent CS degree but I need more project experience and I know working with AI APIs in just as, if not more important than knowing the nuts-and-bolts of ML models when it comes to the future job market.

What it does

Demonstrates completion of

  • Part 1: Azure Cosmos DB Developer Cloud Skills Challenge
  • Part 2: Azure Cosmos DB Developer Cloud Skills Challenge
  • Azure-OpenAI-Python-Developer-Guide

How I built it

I followed the instructions! I did all of the Microsoft Learn labs on my machine rather than the provided virtual environments.

Challenges I ran into

I ran into some Azure connection issues early on. I was able to isolate it to a password length issue. Also, lightning struck my house and fried my router (South East Texas storms). I bought a new one.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

Another entrant reached out to me for help. It was clear they had no experience with shell scripts and they were trying to follow the instructions on a Mac. I walked them through lab instructions and taught them about things like the difference between PowerShell and Bash and how to URL encode their Cosmos DB connection strings.

What we learned

LangChain is a really useful framework. I want to learn how to use if effectively.

What's next for MHValdez Phase 1

I'll use the copilot as a base for Phase 2!

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