
inspired by all the restaurants across the globe trying to implement digital menu cards. some being terribly slow and some being amazing

What it does

MenuChef creates a digital menu card based on minimal inputs. it can come up with a description based on the weather in the city and also dynamically adjust to showcase the items that are more favorable to eat on the top with a better selling description compared to the other items. for example if its a sunny day, all the cold items in the menu like an ice cream would be showcased on the top of the card with a better selling description compared to others

How we built it

MenuChef was built using Streamlit and Snowflake artic LLM via replicate. all the data was stored using JSON

Challenges we ran into

I had never really used Streamlit or replicate beforehand so it was a bit frustrating when I ran into some basic errors over and over again

Accomplishments that we're proud of

that i finished the project :D

What's next for MenuChef

adding more features like editing the items, better prompts to make better descriptions and making it easier and faster for the restaurant owner to add the items

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