
We brainstorm a lot at the beginning and thought "How can we implement a solution which will be useful in all 4 areas stated in the challenge?" and then we have got an idea to implement a Random Coffee for Travellers hidden in highly efficient planning app, which provides you with info about carbon footprint your trip has, what transport changes are possible and

What it does

Calculates a complex travel route for a user, including transport changes and stops on the way, also it suggests you possible companions to meet you in your interpoints carefully selected by our highly intelligent ML model.

How we built it

  1. Used SwiftUI for mobile development
  2. Neo4j Graph database for analysis of potential companyons
  3. Kotlin and Springboot for backend development
  4. Python paired with Django and set of ML libraries for our scoring algorithm (which finds companions)
  5. Just Docker

Challenges we ran into

Graph database, model inference, lack of suitable open APIs

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We have done a cozy IOS app with the trip planner functionality with the highly accurate ml model and a stack of backend microservices under the hood.

What we learned

We have learned how to work under the tough time bounds

What's next for Meetup

Meet us in the midair.

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