
What it does

"Meet the Professor" simulates a conversation with a virtual professor. Users engage in dialogue, asking questions and receiving responses that provide hints about the professor's attributes. Based on these interactions, users then guess the professor's trait.

How we built it

We built "Meet the Professor" as a desktop app built with the Tauri framework (which is also written in Rust)

The platform was developed with:

  • Frontend: Next.js, React.js, TailwindCSS, and GSAP for animations
  • Backend: RUST!!! 🦀🦀🦀🦀
  • NLP: GPT-4o model to generate professor responses

Challenges we ran into:

  • Adapting Python code into Rust code for ChatGPT API Calls
  • Learning to program our game logic correctly

Accomplishments that we're proud of:

  • Learning to use Rust as our backend technology.
  • Learning how to implement game logic (mostly) correctly

What we learned

  • Once again, using Rust as a backend tool for frontend API requests
  • Solodifying our understand of common React hooks such as useState, useEffect, and useRef
  • Incorporating certain animations (using GSAP) to make game aspects more entertaining

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