
Recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the blaring inefficiencies of non-integrated healthcare facilities. Due to the absence of sync in healthcare systems, the present healthcare infrastructure has been overwhelmed. An early warning system for the identification of epidemic is also lacking. The need of the hour is to have an end to end integrated health care platform with early detection of an epidemic.

What it does

Medikare 1.0 is an end to end multi-channel healthcare platform leveraging Pega 8 platform capabilities. It attempts to integrate existing systems used by patients, doctors, testing labs, and hospitals. It helps reduce in-person meets for the safety of health care professionals and users.

Following are some of its key features:

  1. Mobile App: Ease of usability and accessibility
  2. Chatbot: Integration across interactive platforms
  3. Google Maps: Help to locate doctors, hospitals, test facilities
  4. Email notifications: Consistent communication of all key events
  5. Reporting: Ability to detect future pandemics

How we built it

Medikare 1.0 has been built on the Pega platform version 8.3.0 leveraging most out of the box features

The process flow includes:

  1. Consultation: User/patient enters symptoms, answers questionnaire
  2. Diagnosis: Doctor performs online consultation and prescribes the further course of action
  3. Treatment: Based on the diagnosis, the doctor creates a treatment plan
  4. Reporting: Identification of potential pandemic based on transmission trends

MyCo-Medikare-Work-Consultation is the parent class for Consultation. This class holds information regarding the initial diagnosis of User and data gathering. MyCo-Medikare-Work-Treatment is the child class of Consultation. It holds reusable components for ease of use in its child classes.

At run time, Dynamic Class Referencing is used to determine whether Covid flow or General treatment flows needs to be initiated. Covid flow is built around the prevalent process followed in the treatment of COVID-19 disease. General flow on the other hand deals with the process followed in treatment of all diseases except COVID-19.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Implementing this end to end solution within a short period of time was certainly a challenge in itself.
  2. Creating a mobile app was also not easy considering the team was building it for the first time.
  3. We also faced challenges in implementing the chatbot due to certain limitations associated with the current Pega Cloud instance.
  4. There were other technical challenges related to dynamic class referencing and building complex workflows.
  5. Finally, compressing all of the information within a 5-minute video was a great challenge.

Accomplishments that we are proud of

  1. Considering the current pandemic situation, the entire team was remotely situated. They used phone and video conferencing for swift communication.
  2. The team was able to successfully design, build, test and deliver an end to end multi-channel platform In spite of having work and personal commitments.
  3. The team dedicated a lot of time and effort to make this solution scalable and flexible.
  4. The team overcame all of these hurdles and showed a lot of determination and character to build, document, and present this application.

What we learned

  1. We learned some cool features of Pega including creating a Pega Mobile App.
  2. We were able to successfully create a Pega chatbot that can be used to initiate consultation from any social channel.
  3. Google Maps integration was another important feature the team explored.
  4. Conceiving, designing, and building an application within such a short period of time provided us some valuable experience.

What's next for Medikare 1.0

  1. Integration with Insurance providers/ Financial institutions: Medikare could be integrated with such systems for online insurance/loan packages associated with illnesses.
  2. Chatbot integration with Facebook/other channels: This integration make Medikare accessible across a variety of social platforms.
  3. Adding other illness types/epidemics: This can be easily extended to build treatment flows for other major illnesses or potential epidemics
  4. User Sign-up: Self-sign up feature could be added in the future.
  5. Push-Notification through Mobile: This can provide important updates to users
  6. Implement Decisioning: Pega Decisioning could be implemented to calculate the propensity of healthcare facilities use.
  7. Integration with Alexa: Voice-based appointment booking using Alexa.

How to access Medikare 1.0


Role: Patient/User, Id: user1@medikare, Password: Rules1 Role: Doctor, Id: doctor1@medikare, Password: Rules1 Role: Test Lab, Id: testlab1@medikare, Password: Rules1 All passwords are case sensitive

Built With

  • adobe-rush
  • google-developer-console
  • narrator?s-voice
  • pega-platform-8.3.0
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