
While social media applications make it easier for people to connect with each other and form meaningful relationships, most Gen Z and millennials within the United States are lonely (79% and 71% respectively), with 64% of college students reporting that they were "very lonely" sometime during their first year.

What it does

Match Em seeks to be a simple social networking platform that encourages its user to form spontaneous connections outside of their comfort zone. Each day, a user receives a prompt to find and take a photo of an individual of a certain trait. This person could range from someone with the same colored shoes as the user to someone from a rival sports team.

How we built it

We built the User Experience portion of Match Em by integrating a local HTML page using TypeScript with DeSo's user identity system to write to the DeSo blockchain and create a social account for the user. We developed our User Interface by creating an interactive site using Velo by Wix and publishing it with the domain from Finally, we worked on the back-end features of the app by developing the code for a leaderboard and image moderation system on Python and storing our prompt and user data on Google Cloud and CockroachDB, respectively.

Challenges we ran into

Some challenges that we ran into were integrating the different platforms together into a cohesive front-end and back-end application. Google Cloud's ability to read and write from its online spreadsheets did not have the permission and modules to run on our local computer, and we were unable to integrate the spreadsheet data as a database in Cockroach DB.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We were proud of being able to develop all of the individual components of a social networking app that can bring people together and fight loneliness. We were able to allow users to create and access their own DeSo accounts, design a UI for the app, and program individual features that can be incorporated into the general framework.

What we learned

We learned about all of the processes that play a role into an app development, including the account creation, data and server storage, UI development, and feature prototyping. We also learned how to program in TypeScript, as well as integrate different platforms into a broader app.

What's next for Match 'Em

We look forward to further integrating our app's individual components into a cohesive app that can run on one platform. We will need to apply our UI into the TypeScript framework, as well as connect CockroachDB's database to the Google Cloud spreadsheets. Once we have accomplished these steps, we will have a cohesive app capable of storing and utilizing user data.

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