
Bring Maps to Slack!

Mapster is a helpful slack bot that knows all things map/GIS related. He'll try to show you maps ondemand, distance, directions, elevation/height, geocoding and even streetviews!

Example usage of Mapster:

  • @mapster map New York
  • @mapster distance New York | 40.714728,-73.998672
  • @mapster streetview 1 yonge st, Toronto
  • @mapster height of Mt Everest
  • @mapster geocode 40.714728,-73.998672


You will need a Google Maps API that has the following APIs enabled:

  • Google Maps Distance Matrix API
  • Google Maps Elevation API
  • Google Maps Geocoding API
  • Google Static Maps API
  • Google Street View Image API

Get one via:

And of course you'll need a slack token, you can get one via:

Get Started

Simply run the following command:

slack_token=SLACK_TOKEN_HERE gmaps_token=GOOGLE_MAPS_TOKEN_HERE node mapster_slack_bot.js

Then head over to your channel to see the bot become alive. Simply invite him or mention.

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