
I love cool animations of maps and I also have interest in animals and birds. I wanted to mix these two and make something useful.

What it does

Shows different visualizations(graphs, maps) of birds and temperature

How we built it

-Collected data from GBIF( for a bird species and NASA power ( for temperature -Preprocessed the data and showed it on map-animation using folium

  • Prediction model of bird position (In progress)
  • Everything is built on Google Collab

Challenges we ran into

  • Very very very large amount of data
  • Computational limitations
  • Useful data for migration and prediction (bird tracking data not spotting data )

Accomplishments that we're proud of

-A start into an interesting field that can be used by multiple environmentalists or researchers -With minimal changes in code this can be used for any animal data

What we learned

  • Importance of clear data
  • Importance of data preprocessing
  • Visualization with time series analysis

What's next for Maps and Birds

-Consider more attributes other than temperature to analyze the effects of various attributes on migration pattern -Conduct similar analysis with tracking data -More Cool Animations (I will try to match it with NetGeo and Discovery)

  • Prediction model of bird position on given time

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