
Titanfall, Adventure Time, and my cat who stares at the wall and attacks nothing.

What it does

Our users will befriend a little goober, who will live in their house as a pet. They can be interacted with, and friends can come visit IRL with their goobers as well. They will explore, and find things to do. Fight invisible monsters, stare off at nothing, and play. When our users press a button, they are transported into the perspective of the goober and can see what they are imagining the world to look like. Monsters (bugs or just nothing), the giant people wandering around, and the home looks like a vast landscape to explore and play in.

In the future, one could travel to another players houses as their goobers and explore their “vast landscapes” as well. They can also ask their friends to build and play!

How we built it

Challenges we ran into

Co-location proved to be a big challenge. We also had a hard time getting enough stuff to do as both the player in AR, and the goober in VR. Because the vision is a sandbox, it was more difficult than a focused path.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

What we learned

Switching from AR to VR is working, along with co-location!

What's next for little goobers

Built With

  • adobe-suite
  • blender
  • passthrough
  • scene
  • shared-spatial-anchors
  • spatial-anchors
  • unity
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