
Lisk Guardian was inspired by the need for a more secure and transparent way of managing digital assets after death. While some may opt for a lawyer to handle their will and distribute their crypto assets, there are inherent risks in entrusting private keys to a third party. In the event of a security breach, the private keys could be compromised, putting the entire estate at risk. Our solution is decentralized and trust less, ensuring that the wishes of the deceased are executed without any reliance on a single individual or institution.

How it works

To create a will, the user requires the wallet addresses of each beneficiary, along with the specified amount they are entitled to receive and any personal messages they would like to convey. Next, the user chooses a predetermined expiration date that functions as a Dead Man's Switch. If the user unexpectedly passes away and thus no reset activity occurs, this switch will expire. Consequently, the beneficiaries are permitted to access and withdraw their respective funds.

Following the creation of the switch, the user provides each beneficiary with two crucial pieces of information: the smart contract's address, and a 12-word mnemonic phrase. This phrase acts as the decryption key, granting each beneficiary access to view their personalized messages (The mnemonic is not required to withdraw their funds, only to view the encrypted personal messages).

How we built it

Lisk Guardian is developed natively on Android utilizing Java. The smart contract is written in Solidity. To ensure secure communications, messages are AES encrypted on-chain. For the generation of the decryption key, we employ the built-in mnemonic utilities of the web3j library.

The app also uses:

  • MVVM Clean Architecture
  • RxJava
  • Room
  • Dagger Hilt

The contract is deployed on the Lisk L2 Testnet

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Designing the UI/UX, building the entire app myself, and deploying it to the Google Playstore.

What's next for Lisk Guardian

Building a chrome extension, building for iOS and deploying to the app store.

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