
Theatre Arts ideas and it was based very similarly off of the hitman series. We also tried our best to emulated the original style of doom.

What it does

It is a game, it entertains you. We used a multitude of shaders to make it a fun experience. Its very immersive due to the fact of the original art and models. Nothing we used was premade.

How we built it

We started from scratch in Unity. We started with a basic idea and went from there. adding elements of mystery with each shader, art piece/ texture. We wanted it to be as immersive as possible so we made it dark with intense lighting to simulate the lighting used in film noir. It's a bit spooky while having simple game mechanics to keep you intrigued.

Challenges we ran into

Texturing some of the walls was kind of difficult because unity was being silly goofy. This was the first time we used shaders so it took us some time to figure out. Otherwise it was a pretty smooth process.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Everything was made in the span of time given, nothing was prefabricated and it was all original.

What we learned

Shaders are fun to use, and having group members with different abilities makes the process smooth and fun.

What's next for Legitimate Business Man's Club

Adding in more elements to be used later, more story and some fine detailing to make it more enjoyable. Our main protagonist is a robot but wasn't very clear due to the fact we didn't have enough time to add in the silly details we wanted.

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