
The challange it presented at it required a multidisciplinar team that could cover some of the most relevant aspects of software engineering. The passion to go further on some technologies some of us did not have that much experience with.

What it does


Application made with flask, htmx and postgresql that allows users to:

  1. Interact with the hardware system
  2. Visualize streaming data
  3. Visualize real time graphs on multiple dashboards
  4. Explore the raw data
  5. Compare averages and real time data


An script that suscribes to eurecat mqtt server and topic and saves into the database the received data.


  • hackeps/eurecat: streaming data provided by Eurecat
  • hackeps/G2: topic used to comunicate from the APP to the Hardware asyncronously


ESP8266 based hardware system that is capable of:

  1. Subscribe to the hackeps/eurecat topic
  2. Subscribe to the hackeps/G2 topic
  3. Send aggregated data to the backend through http
  4. Interact with a Water Pump, simulating a spray motion
  5. Interact with the light sensor and the ground humidity sensors at the same time
  6. Open a light when its nightime
  7. Obtain environment temperature and humidity


Contains the following files:

  1. Original dataset
  2. Notebook with the data science corrections and predictions
  3. Clean Dataset correcting the data
  4. "Weather forecast" for the next 14 days


"Alexa, abre el p*** Arduino"

Alexa skill that allows you to:

  1. Know the latest data available for your field

    "Alexa, ¿cual es la última lectura?"

  2. Water an specific field

    "Alexa, riega los tomates"

How we built it

  • C++
  • Arduino
  • HTMX
  • Flask
  • Alexa

Challenges we ran into

  • Hardware troubleshooting
  • Not having an arduino for the first 8h
  • Communication between systems
  • C++
  • Arduino librarby system

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • The whole app
  • We managed to provide a good solution for all challanges keeping a quite decent codebase

What we learned

  • A lot about hardware: diodes, transistors...
  • htmx
  • Increased Arduino and C++ skills

What's next for La planteta

  • We think that with enought time and pasion, the project could be applied to the real world and tackle interesting Industry 5.0 problems and food crisis

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