
Have you ever wanted to eat a meal after class? Have you called someone to eat said meal with, only to find that they are still in class?

What it does

KickIt allows you to enter a schedule for yourself, then add friends. Then, you get a status screen showing who is available and when.

How we built it

We used a framework called Flutter for the front end, and Firebase for the backend.

Challenges we ran into

Flutter is very much still in alpha, and it was hard to find documentation on anything - especially interactions with Firebase. Also, neither of us were familiar with Flutter or Firebase coming into this.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We have a pretty good looking, working front end and a functional back end. Now we just have to tie the two together.

What we learned

A ton.

What's next for KickIt

We plan on continuing development after the hackathon, as this is an app that we would both like to use.

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