The idea

TravelPerk inspired our small project. They are offer a travel management system to buisness. Our main idea was to make the most out of any meeting, joining those people together on other activities. We came up with an app idea with this main features:

  • Have a personal account
  • Create & join plans
  • Filter based on best interest

Further steps would let the user share his interests, and also would let event organizers create private groups so that his members can plan more activities. We also thought that AI could play an important role in identifying shared interests among groups of people and come up with new plans.

Technology used

We took a modern approach and valued crossplatform and native components.

  • Git

  • Expo & React Native for the frontend

  • Supabase for the backend


We had to learn the project setup and file structure, React Native, we had to revise SQL and debug a lot.

  • It's possible to have a single codebase supporting native elements

  • Team working, organization and colaboration

  • Hard mentality

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